Gilbert Featured on Bonjour Bliss Blog


When Roxanne reached out to me about having my Gilbert the Frenchie and Flock of Flamingo pillows in her daughter's new "big girl" room I was thrilled. Then she sent me pictures and my emotions changed to overjoyed! Tassels and animals, pinks and golds, dinos and tea parties. She paired beautiful and whimsical pieces that balance and compliment each other perfectly. I bet all the little girls that come over now are going to be begging their mommies to have a room as splendid as this one.


But don't let me convince you. Go see the rest of the photos of this adorable room here, BonjourBlissBlog. And if you are dying know where any of the pieces from the room are from, Roxanne has even listed them out at the bottom of the post.