featured by Hundebloghaus // 4.6.16

i'm excited to share that my adorable pups have been featured by Hundebloghaus today! 

a couple of weeks ago Daniela reached out to me and mentioned she was going to feature my artwork in a contest she was having. i was thrilled, but after reading her blog post, i am more than thrilled, i am honored. she not only pointed out some of her favorite pups (Ice, Blue, and Snickerdoodle), but also commented on my creativity and style. *note: you can't see it, but i'm blushing* 

the image of Red the Irish Setter was taken by Daniela against her foxy wallpaper. i love how she styled Red against the foxes and let the orange hues play off of one another.

if you don't know about Daniela or Hundebloghaus, you should take a look. she writes about her passions with emphasis around her love of dogs. i especially love her DIYs (dog-it-yourself) projects

you can give her posts some love either via Instagram or Facebook. and if you're looking to win your own Jacks the Aussie print, check out her blog post for instructions.